//Q: Customer Group Filter $_['entry_customer_group'] = 'Restricted Customer Groups:
Check the customer groups that should NOT see this category!'; $_['text_logged_out'] = 'Guest'; Radio Thermostat Module

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Radio Thermostat Module

GUI Module Authentication Key - Single Project

Radio Thermostat Module
Developer: BitWise Controls
Availability: Download
Authorized Dealers must login to view pricing

Radio Thermostat products are a low-cost way to allow a BitWise installation to control HVAC systems. This module is the fastest way to integrate these products.

  • Virtual Thermostat - Tablet content mimics the thermostat on the wall, so the user is instantly familiar with it.

    Radio Thermostat Module
  • Simple Setup - Just provide the IP address of the thermostat, drag the appropriate GUI content onto a page, and you're done.
  • Convenient - Provides easy control of fan, mode, and setpoint.
  • Multiple Instances - Quickly and easily create unique copies of the Module for projects that include more than one of this device